Who is Parete?

So… The name, Parete… Is that a coffee table book?

Here’s the deal: We like walls and we like Italy. Parete is Italian for interior walls. When we decided to open up shop, we wanted to create a brand whose name represents our love affair with walls and the world.

We are a multi-culti group of design junkies with an unquenchable wanderlust, and our new brand of wallcoverings reflects the way that we move in the world. Parete is an expression of our art – we cannot look at a wall without wanting to tag it with texture – pattern – color – materiality. We want you to give your walls a voice!

Besides, we know a little somethin’ somethin’ about walls and wallcovering, so we went with it. And by the way, who doesn’t love a smooth Italian accent? I mean, Hello!!




Let's be Friends

Let's be friends Parete Walls

We are committed

Small batch manufacturing

We manufacture on a small scale to reduce environmental impact and oopsies! By eliminating waste we produce only the products that are actually being used.

More than a fling

Daniela Guarin and Michael Freedman are longtime collaborators with a shared passion for making pretty stuff.

Our line is simple, well curated, and easy to navigate. We make the shopping experience a breeze.

You in mind

We make wallcoverings that are glamorous and accessible, chic and playful, just like you! Welcome to our world, we hope you fall in love with our walls.

Only the good stuff

We wanted to find a means to express ourselves and make art that is useful, friendly and that reflects our lust for life. It was from those strands of DNA that our partnership in Parete came to be.

The dream team

Michael Freedman

Design obsessed, detail possessed and always on top of customer service requests. Self proclaimed material junky, Michael has spent his entire career in art and design.

daniela guarin, parete team, design team

Daniela Guarin

Designer, strategist and trend spotter, Daniela comes with a fresh perspective on pattern, color and design. She has been instrumental in developing our voice, bridging generations and keeping our Spanglish up to date.

In love with walls and the world